суббота, 8 ноября 2014 г.

Four Seasons in the Year -Kindergarten ,Preschoolers

                                                        Our Calendar.
The calendar shows the day of the week, the date of
the month, the month of the year and the number of the year, too.
Seven days make a week. Saturday
and Sunday
are days off. The other
days of the week are
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These days are weekdays.
Four weeks make a month. Twelve months make a year. The
months of the year are
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November  and December. Every month has got thirty or thirty-one days. January,
March, May, July, August, October and December have got thirty-one days. April,
June, September and November have got thirty days.
February has got twenty-eight or twenty-nine days.
Four seasons make a year. They are winter, spring,
summer and autumn. The winter months are December, January and February. The
spring months are March, April and May. The summer months are June, July and
August. The autumn months are September, October and November.

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